Phase 1 Calendar

FIQWS: Fall 2018 Phase 1 Calendar


HW = Homework due that day is in bold*

IC = In class activities and discussions

BB = Blackboard

UTSA = Upload to Submit Assignments

BTC = Bring to class

Note: You are required to “BTC” all readings. While you are asked to print and BTC only some assignments, it is recommended that you have access to all reading and all assignments every class (in print or on your laptop/phone). This is because we’ll likely refer back to previous assignments/readings.

*Check BB every night for further explanation of HW and assignments

Date                      Topic Section                         Writing Section
Week 1

M 8/27



IC: Introductions, syllabus review






IC: Introductions, syllabus review


W 8/29 HW: Familiarize yourself with Blackboard (BB) and our course site. Complete and USTA on BB the “Student Questionnaire”

IC: Introduce rhetorical concepts and reading strategies.


HW: Read & Print Jamaica Kincaid’s “Girl.”

Review Syllabus and write down questions.

IC: Free write. Answer questions about syllabus and class policies. Introduce Language & Literacy Narrative assignment.

Week 2

M 9/3






W 9/5 HW: Read and annotate Amy Tan’s “Mother Tongue” Complete and UTSA on BB a “Rhetorical Situation Worksheet” for Tan. BTC

IC: Discuss Tan and rhetorical situation. Share worksheet responses.


HW: BTC “Girl” free writes and Read from Norton, “Writing a Literacy Narrative” (Link on BB)

IC: Read: excerpt from Banana Yoshimoto’s “Kitchen.” Free write. Review Norton reading. What makes a good language and literacy narrative?





Week 3

M 9/10

(no class)


Reminder for both sections: Check next class on calendar for homework due.

W 9/12 HW: Read and annotate excerpt from Smitherman’s “African American English: From the Hood to the Amen Corner”. Complete and UTSA on BB “Rhetorical Situation Worksheet” for Smitherman. BTC.

 IC: Discuss Smitherman. Discuss and practice







HW: BTC “Kitchen” free writes and Complete “Language and Literacy Narrative Brainstorm worksheet” (on BB). UTSA and BTC

*Weblink for class portfolios due

IC: Haruki Murakami’s “diagram of a two-story house.” Free write. Share ideas for Language and Literacy Narrative. Starting writing!







Date Topic Section Writing Section
Week 4



HW: Complete and UTSA on BB a “Charting Worksheet” (on BB) for Smitherman’s text. BTC.

Read Lippi-Green’s “The Soundhouse.” Write brief (1 paragraph) summary of main points. UTSA and BTC.

IC: Discuss Lippi-Green. Share summaries of main points. Explain discussion forum HW.

HW: Write a one-page snapshot of one meaningful moment in your language and/or literacy experiences. Describe an event/relationship/place/ that impacted your literacy development. UTSA and BTC.

BTC uncompleted versions of Part I free writes (to be continued in class) and a hard copy of “Alma”

IC: Read “Alma” by Junot Diaz. Free write. Discuss writing a L&L narrative. Workshop adding details and dialogue to narratives.


W 9/19


F 9/21-Su 9/23




DUE: View Safwat Saleem’s TED Talk. Participate in Discussion Board forum. Responders post by Fri midnight. Peer responses due by Sun midnight. Directions to follow, everyone participates.




Work on Language & Literacy Narratives.




Week 5

M 9/24


HW: Read and annotate Self’s “What are Literacy Narratives?” (on BB). Complete and UTSA on BB a “Charting Worksheet” (on BB) for Selfe’s text. BTC.


IC: Discuss Selfe. Draw connections across texts, ourselves, and other “larger” trends and forces. Discuss L&LN Cover Letter and Oral Presentations


HW: Complete draft of Language & Literacy Narrative. UTSA and BTC in a form that can be shared with peers.

BTC a hard copy of “Everything I Never Told You” and any questions on L&L narrative assignment.

IC: Free write. Read “Everything I Never Told You.” Exchange drafts for (take-home) feedback. Review assignment criteria.


W 9/26








HW: View Lysicott’s and Lozada-Oliva short videos. Write a full draft of your Oral Presentation. UTSA and BTC.


IC: Workshop and prepare Cover Letters and Oral Presentations. In class peer review.


HW: Read and give feedback on two of your peers’ L&LN’s using the “Responding to a Draft Worksheet” on BB.” UTSA and BTC.


IC: Free write. Meet in groups to go over peer review.

Week 6

M 10/1


HW: Revise and polish cover letter. Prepare and practice Oral Presentations.


IC: Language and Literacy Oral Presentations


HW: Revise and polish the final draft of your L&L Narrative. Then, write and paste your cover letter at the beginning of your document. UTSA on BB.


IC: Language and Literacy Oral Presentations